Dr. Carole Harris

Dr Carole Harris




Carole weaves together her doctorate in psychology with her Rites of Passage Guide training and her work as a Diviner. She has over thirty-five years of professional practice, is an expert in the art of ceremony and has a deep understanding of the psychological and spiritual realms.

Having seen the transformative power of rituals and rites of passage, Carole is passionate about sharing her knowledge and skills with others. She believes that everyone has the potential to heal and grow, and is dedicated to helping others on their journey towards personal and spiritual growth. As an experienced healer, Carole has helped countless individuals overcome obstacles and achieve inner peace.

Her knowledge of various healing modalities, coupled with her intuitive abilities, allows her to create personalized healing experiences for each of her clients. She is also a skilled mentor and has guided many people through their own rites of passage. Through her guidance and support, individuals are able to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

Carole's dedication to her work goes beyond just her professional practice. She is deeply committed to her own personal growth and spiritual journey, and continuously seeks out new ways to deepen her understanding of the world and its mysteries. Her passion for learning and her desire to help others makes Carole a truly unique and valuable guide and mentor. She brings years of experience and knowledge to every session, and her clients leave feeling empowered, enlightened, and ready to embark on their own journey of transformation.




Carole's love for writing is undeniable, as she has written countless short stories and poems over the years. With such a creative and imaginative mind, it's no surprise that she published her book titled "Fishing with Castro." This heartfelt book chronicles the crazy and adventurous experiences of her family during their trips to Baja California.

Currently, Carole is completely immersed in her latest project - a novel set in Ancient Egypt. With her meticulous attention to detail and thorough research, she is determined to bring this ancient civilization to life through her writing. Meanwhile, she continues to weave stories about her family's adventures, providing readers with a glimpse into their wild and unpredictable lives. Her passion for storytelling is evident in every word she writes, as she effortlessly transports her readers into different worlds and time periods.

Despite her success and busy schedule, Carole remains humble and grounded. She is constantly seeking new ways to improve her writing skills and is always open to feedback and suggestions from her readers. With her boundless creativity and determination, there is no doubt that Carole will continue to captivate readers with her compelling stories for years to come.


Tanzania Africa

Travels to Africa

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Carole started her philanthropic spirit when she went with her parents and children to Africa in 2004. Through this experience, she was able to see how most people around the world really live, which lead her to bring her two daughters to live with the Maasai for a short time, learn about the hearts of the people of Tanzania, and fall in love with the Country. Now, through her own efforts and through the efforts of her family's foundation, The Harris-Taylor Family Foundation, Carole gives to the charities that tug at her heart.

In her travels to Africa, Carole assisted in developing schools, plant trees, and bring water to communities. In 2019 she went to Uganda and witnessed how one cow can save an entire family, and eventually a community, from poverty.


Her fourth grade teacher taught Carole about two things she will never forget: Science and Recycling. When she was in her twenties and thirties, she recorded her voice mail message machine to say "Please leave a message, I'm out saving the world!". Carole believes the planet earth is our Temple, a place that was put here for us to love, respect, and to be good stewards of the planet.

Carole’s main passion is helping to keep the ocean clean from plastic. She is an advocate for a plastic free environment and works at not utilizing plastic in her home or when out in the community.

Dr. Carole Harris has helped countless people through the weaving of psychological and spiritual practices. She firmly believes that true healing comes from within and that by tapping into one’s inner self, one can overcome any obstacle and reach their full potential. With empathy and compassion, she guides her clients to confront their fears, traumas, and insecurities, helping them to break free from their mental and emotional limitations.
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